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Due to inclement weather, the Progress Campus Library will be closing early at 7:00 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, Feb. 12. We apologize for any inconvenience. close submenu ico icon
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Ashtonbee campus

Ashtonbee Campus

Ashtonbee campus location -  75 Ashtonbee Road  Toronto Ontario
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Room L-202

75 Ashtonbee Road

Toronto Ontario


M1L 4N4

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The Ashtonbee campus is situated at 75 Ashtonbee Road in Scarborough, just west of Warden Ave. and one block north of Eglinton Ave.

The Library is located in room L-202. Go in the main entrance from the parking lot and the Library is on the second floor (take stairs or elevator.) The Library is on the left side of the hall.

By Transit

From the Warden subway station, take the Warden North 68 bus to Ashtonbee Road. Check TTC bus schedules at

Ashtonbee Library 2025 Semester Hours of Operation
Winter Semester: January 6 - April 17
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 3:30pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Engagement Week: February 24-28

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 3:30pm


January 1: New Year's Day

February 17: Family Day

April 18: Good Friday

*To see the full semester hours, use the "Ashtonbee Library Hours" link under the "Related Links" section.

The Ashtonbee campus is home to the School of Transportation and is one of the largest automotive and transportation technology training centres in Canada.

You will also find the School of Community and Health Services offering a breadth of programs focused on Early Childhood Education, Social Service Work to Addiction & Mental Health.

Ashtonbee Campus