Research Support
The Library is here to support your research and scholarship. Whether you need help searching and accessing scholarly literature, managing your data or publishing your results, the Library is ready to help.
Contact Your School's Librarian
School of Communications, Media, Arts and Design - Muyi Ogunleye
School of Community & Health Studies - Jennifer Easter
School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science - Richard Sims
School of English and Liberal Studies - Stephanie Power
School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts - Richard Sims
School of Transportation - Jennifer Easter
The Business School - Richard Sims
Your Library Card
Your employee ID card is your Library card.
Find Articles, Books and more
The Library offers access to a wide range of scholarly books, articles, videos and more. We can help you find and access the materials you need to support your research.
If you can’t find an article, book or other material in our libraries, we have services that allow you to borrow from other libraries. Learn more about our interlibrary loan services to help support your research.
Whether you are starting your research with a literature review or conducting a systematic review in the health sciences, the Library has resources to help you. Contact a Librarian (above) to help you identify sources and develop comprehensive search strategies.
Share Your Research
The Library can help you at each stage of the scholarly communication process. We're here to help you identify publication options and maximize the reach and impact of your scholarship.
Institutional Repository
The Colleges Object Repository (CORe) is an open source platform that enables storage, preservation, archiving, and retrieval of digital files including faculty and student research, archival material, and multimedia across the College. The repository includes a faculty profiles section. Contact us for more information.

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