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Due to inclement weather, the Progress Campus Library will be closing early at 7:00 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, Feb. 12. We apologize for any inconvenience. close submenu ico icon
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Centennial College Libraries is committed to providing equal access to all students and employees of the college, and has a variety of services in place that can assist students with disabilities to access our resources.

Accommodation Requests

The Library is here to help you. Contact the Library to get the support and assistance you need. 

We can help you with:

  • Retrieval of library materials
  • Operating printers and photocopiers
  • Accessing library spaces, services or collections
  • Using adaptive technology workstations

Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE) 

The Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE Portal) provides alternative formats for print books held by participating Ontario college libraries.  If you have a perceptual disability, you can register for access to the ACE Portal. 

Register and request access to ACE and a library staff member will contact you to provide a login token. 

Visit the ACE Portal Guide to login to the ACE Portal. 

Watch the getting started and searching the portal tutorials. 

Contact the ACE Coordinator, if the library book you need is not available. 

The ACE service does not digitize textbooks. 

Contact the Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services if you require textbooks or other course materials in alternative formats. 

Closed Captioned Media

All library video viewing stations have a closed caption mode to play closed-captioned videos. To turn on captions, ask a library staff member to provide a remote. At each video viewing station, you will find instructions for enabling the closed caption mode.

The Library will provide, on request, a transcript or closed-captioned version of DVDs held in our Library collection.

If you require a transcript or captioned version of an item in our collection please contact the library

You can search for captioned media in our collection using the library catalogue’s advanced search feature.

Perform a keyword search for “closed captioned” and limit the format to “audiovisual material”

Library Facilities

The library main entrances at all four campuses are equipped with automatic door openers.

Ashtonbee, Morningside and Progress all have lowered service counters.

There are wheelchair-accessible quick reference computers at Ashtonbee and Morningside.

Accessible study carrels are located as follows:

  • Two wheelchair-accessible study carrels with height-adjustable desks at Ashtonbee Library
  • Four wheelchair accessible study carrels at Morningside Library

Look for the "wheelchair accessible study carrels" signs at these campus libraries.

Computer Workstations

Accessible computer workstations are located at all campus libraries:

  • Four height-adjustable computer workstations accessible for wheelchair users at Ashtonbee (two in the instructional lab, two assistive technology workstations)
  • Two height-adjustable computer workstations, accessible for wheelchair users at Morningside
  • Two height-adjustable computer workstations, one standing work station and one Library Catalogue workstation accessible for wheelchair users at the Story Arts Centre
  • Four electronic height-adjustable tables on the first-floor Progress Commons

Adaptive Technology 

All Centennial libraries have adaptive technology computer workstations with the following software and hardware:

  • Kurzweil 
  • CCTV Clearview
  • Jaws 
  • Zoomtext 
  • Scanner 
  • Magnifier