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Due to inclement weather, the Progress Campus Library will be closing early at 7:00 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, Feb. 12. We apologize for any inconvenience. close submenu ico icon
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Computers & Equipment

Technology Loans

Availability of items may vary by campus. Contact your campus library for more information.  

Item Loan Period Fines Holds Renewals
Emerging technology 7 days $10 per day Yes Yes, limit 1 
Headsets Until 30 minutes before closing  $1 per day First come, first served No
Computer Accessories (keyboard, mouse, etc.) Until 30 minutes before closing $1 per hour or part First come, first served





Currently available at:

  • Progress Self-check Kiosk              
  • Downsview library desk                 
  • Morningside Self-check Kiosk   
  • Ashtonbee library desk
4 hours at a time $5 per hour N/A No

iPads *only available at the Downsview campus

7 days $25 per day N/A No


Borrowing Equipment

As a current student, you must fill out and sign a Library Equipment Loan Agreement form and return it to any Library Help Desk before borrowing library equipment.

Your Library account will be charged for the replacement or repair cost of any lost or damaged equipment. Outstanding fines or fees may result in a hold on your Library account. Account holds impact your ability to register in courses, request transcripts, and apply for graduation.

If borrowing a laptop from the self-serve laptop kiosk, you agree to the Terms of Service Self-Serve Laptop Loan.

Terms of Use

Liability: As the user, you are responsible for the safety and security of the loaned equipment. You accept any and all responsibility for the repair and/or replacement costs resulting from theft, damage, negligence, or misuse. The owning department, which will collect any fees associated with these matters, determines the market value and/or damage to equipment. Grade reports, transcripts, and certificates/diplomas may be withheld until outstanding issues are resolved. 

Authorized Users: Loans of library equipment are for currently enrolled students only. Exception: The Emerging Technology collection is available to currently enrolled students and employees. All users must present a valid myCard or 13-digit Library card, which will be scanned and validated on the Library system. You cannot borrow or return equipment on another user’s behalf. As the authorized user, you must keep the equipment in your possession at all times. 

Equipment Use: You must only use the equipment for academic purposes and immediately notify the Library if you are experiencing any problems with the equipment. Equipment must not be left unattended at any time during the loan period. 

Deletion of Files: You may not save any work on the library equipment hard drive or desktop. All user files and data saved on Library equipment will be deleted once it is restarted or returned. 

Returns: You are responsible for returning the equipment to the owning campus library in person, on time, and in the same condition it was loaned. 

Laptops, iPads, and VR headsets: In addition to the above conditions, laptop, iPad, and VR headset users will: 

  • Abide by the College’s Acceptable Computer Use Policy (see myCentennial). 
  • Refrain from installing and/or downloading unauthorized software or applications. 
  • Use the laptop on the Centennial College campus from which it was borrowed.