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Print & Copy

Printing and copying is available for registered students. You must have a valid myCard with an available print balance.

You can check your print account balance and add money online.

Learn more about printing with MyCard.

Printing for the first time?

Step 1: Set up your Network password

If you haven't logged into a desktop computer on campus yet, find an available computer and enter the following credentials:

  • User name: Your student number
  • Password: YYYYMMDD@Cencol 
    • YYYYMMDD is your date of birth. For example, January 20, 1992 would be 19990120@Cencol
    • Don't forget to include @Cencol at the end of your password.
    • The new password you create must be 10 digits long and have at least one uppercase and lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol (#*/?$!@).

Step 2: Add money to your myCard

  • By credit card online at
  • With cash in person at the campus Bookstore ($5.00 minimum - you must have your myCard with you).

Step 3: Send your document to the printer

  • Click on the "Print" icon. For most programs, this can be found under the "File" menu or printer icon.
  • Ensure that the "Centennial Global" or global printer for your campus (for example, "Progress Global") is selected.
  • Verify your settings (number of copies, single- or double-sided, page size and orientation), then click "Print" to confirm.
  • A print notification telling you that your document has been held in a release station queue will appear on the screen.

Step 4: Associate your myCard with the printer

  • Find a printer and tap your myCard to the sensor.
  • As message will say "Your card is not known to the system. Press next to associate your card with an account."
  • Sign in to the printer using your computer network username and password.
  • Tap your card again to complete the process.

If you don't have your myCard, visit the IT Helpdesk to activate your account to print.

Printing from your laptop or other personal device?

Scroll down to the "Printing from The Web" section of IT's Printing on Campus page.

  • Printing from the web works for black & white, double-sided printing only. 

Other printing tips

Colour printing

  • Only available on desktop computers.
  • Click on Printer Properties
  • Select Quality tab
  • Uncheck boxes that say "Print text as black," and "Print in black and white"

Single-sided printing

  • Only available on desktop computers
  • Select Layout tab
  • Choose Print on one side only

If your network password isn't working, you can try to reset it from a personal device

For additional support, please contact your campus IT Helpdesk.