Book a Study Room
Please read the Guidelines before booking
(Booking link below)
Watch the video for step-by-step instructions on booking.
Booking times are in EASTERN STANDARD TIME (EST). Please ensure your device settings are reflective of this to avoid any booking confusion.
Study Room Guidelines
- Library Study rooms are for registered Centennial College student use only. Other non-student groups are asked not to use these spaces. Faculty and staff, please contact to book a classroom or meeting room.
- You can book study rooms online, up to one week in advance.
- The time limit is three hours per day, up to six hours per week.
- Reservations are held for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, if you would like to book an unoccupied room, see staff at a Library service desk. Staff may release rooms on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Study rooms are for course-related work or study. Students using rooms for purposes other than course-related study may be asked to vacate the room.
- Whiteboard markers and erasers are available at the Library Help Desk.
- Please be aware that lights in the room may turn off automatically due to inactivity.
Food and Code of Conduct Policies
- Please be courteous. Clear the room of all personal belongings and dispose of all garbage and recyclables when your booking is complete so that it will be ready for the next group. The Library & Learning Centre is not responsible for loss or damage of items left unattended in the study rooms.
- Please be prompt. Leave the room at the end of your reservation to enable the next group to start on time.
- Please be respectful of others in the area. Study rooms are not sound-proof and discussions should be kept to a low volume when using the rooms.
- Only drinks with secured lids are allowed inside the room. Food must be consumed outside of all Library & Learning Centre spaces.
- Library staff reserve the right to withdraw study room privileges if the College Student Code of Conduct is not observed or if booking guidelines are abused.
Missed Appointments
- Time slots with no reservations are first-come-first-serve.
- Students who have booked a room have priority for use of the room with the following exceptions:
- Rooms booked, but unoccupied after 15 minutes will become available to other students.
You can cancel your bookings at any time by logging into the room booking system.
- Once logged in, click on the "Calendar" link in the top right corner and choose "View All".
- From the calendar, go to the date of your booking. It is colour-coded in brown.
- Click on the booking and from the booking window, click on "Cancel" in the top right corner. Click it again to confirm the cancellation.
- In the calendar, the booking has been removed.
If you have any questions about your bookings, please contact your campus Library directly.