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Pollock Holocaust & Genocide Studies Collection


Our sincere thank you goes to the many persons and institutions that have granted kind permissions to use their works.

In particular, we thank the authors and their families, who allowed us to use their memoirs from the Holocaust.

  • Irving Eisner
  • Vera Schiff
  • Henry Weinzweig, the estate of the late Josef Rogel

We also thank those individuals who generously assisted us in making a variety of other resources available through this site.

  • Alexandra Braciejowski, for her late father Arthur Szyk
  • Gabriel Dagan
  • Michael Dunayevsky, The Jewish Museum, Prague
  • Sir Martin Gilbert
  • Joseph Koenig
  • Raja Zadnikova

As well, we extend our appreciation to those institutions that facilitated access to published materials.

  • Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
  • Sir Martin Gilbert
  • The Orion Publishing Group
  • The United States Holocaust Museum, Washington, D.C.
  • The World Jewish Congress, New York, N.Y.
  • Yad Vashem

Copyright permissions

Arad, Yitzhak. Ghetto in flames. Published jointly by Yad Vashem and Anti-Defamation League of B?nai Brit, 1980.

Art out of agony. This is a collection of interviews conducted by Stephen Lewis for CBC in 1983. We have permission to use three interviews, texts and audio (Appelfeld, Insdorf and Wiesel).

The Auschwitz Album. This is an online exhibition of the photographs published by Yad Vashem in 2009. We have permission to use the link on our website (Yad Vashem).

The Black Book, the Nazi crimes against the Jewish people. New York: The Jewish Black Book Committee, 1946.

Eisner, Irving. Dachau, prisoner 89012. Willowdale, Ont.: Zachor, 1983.

Gilbert, Martin, Sir. Atlas of the Holocaust. London: M. Joseph, 1982.

Gilbert, Martin, Sir. The Holocaust. New York: Hill and Wang, 1978.

I never saw another butterfly. New York: Mc-Graw Hill, 1964.

Rogel, Joseph. Confessions of an Auschwitz number (A-18260) [Poems]. Montreal: Dawon College, 1972.

Schiff, Vera. Theresienstadt, the town the Nazis gave to the Jews. Oakville, Ont.: Lugus, 1996.

Szyk, Arthur. The new order. New York: G. Putnam, 1941.

World Committee for the Victims of German Fascism. The Brown Book of the Hitler terror and the burning of the Reichstag. London: Victor Gollancz, 1933.

Bibliographic citations for

Hail Hitler! London: Christopher’s, 1934.

Hiemer, Ernst, Joe Koenig (English translator and commentator). Der Giftpilz. Sturmer Verlag, 1938.

Koenig, Joe (translator). Dresdner Nachrichten. German newspaper articles from 1938.

Photographs from Nazi war archives.